At Lyndhurst all residents are encouraged to take part in numerous activities of their choice which are tailored to challenge and maintain mental stimulation.
A weekly activity programme ensures residents and relatives are aware of what is planned.
Some themed events include St Patricks Day, halloween, and summer fetes, which is enjoyed by staff, residents and relatives. We also have live show and professional singers performing at the home. Trips are organised as per residents request to visit places of their choice and interest.
Why are activities important for the elderly?
There are numerous benefits that highlight the importance of activities for the elderly. It has been all too common in recent years for the elderly to be overlooked as their age increases and their mobility and cognitive sharpness lessens. In settings such as care homes, it is more important than ever to ensure that an unstimulating, rigid daily routine doesn’t contribute to a deterioration of an individual’s well-being.
Activities are a way of allowing a person to maintain and even develop their own personal identity, by providing opportunities to continue enjoying and participating in interests of theirs or even pursuing new ones. Taking the time to learn what means something to an individual helps staff to better support them, build a rapport, and show them they are in an environment that cares and supports them in a more person centred way.
Certification – Lyndhurst Care Home